Friday, 20 October 2017

Forgive and forget..

I dont mean to offend anyone here, but hey what past is past la! It may happened 7 or 8 years ago. (I don't give a f actually!) And i know It sure hurts to be dump by someone you "love" so much, who you tght is the one, but hey shit happens, whats the point of being together if you say you love him but you not in love with him?! The qstn here is do u really3 into him?! His interests, his wants.. Or izzit just for show?! What's the point pun if the other one is most of the time unhappy kn?! Have u ever even consider of how he's feeling when u guys were together?! You even look down and cant agree with his friends?! Ish! Ish! That's obviously ur biggest mistake dear! Nobody can interfere with a guy group of friends! Its his life!  Cause simply put la kn,what done is done,it just cannot be undone! Obviously when time change, the love also might change, unless you do sth la abt it! (Like watch ur weight maybe?!) One just need to learn to get over it and move on! Find your better happiness in life! (Which i believe she already did!) Burdens of life become lighter when your heart is filled with love and we learn to forgive and forget with profound kindness. 

When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future. I strongly believe that only the weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. So are you strong enough to forgive?

We will not be able to find peace if our minds are still burning with the fires of resentment. Let us all forgive and forget to create peace. 

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