My nostalgic playlist at work today!! Hehe 2000s Smash hit from Spotify!!!! Most of these songs seriously bring back bittersweet memories.... Haha jiwang jap!!
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Our lil precious LaLaLove
Cat owners (or any animal owners) will know how much your kitty can completely transform the way you view your home. For myself and hubby, LaLaLove MAKES our house our home. We can throw away all the stuff that we don’t really need; as long as we have our beautiful baby girl here by our side we’re happy as can be. The joy that we feel in our hearts when we get home from a long day and see our gorgeous girl mewing towards us, rolling on the floor asking to be rub is indescribable. Home is not home without her! She’s our world!
Rezeki come without realizing..
Alhamdullilah.. When I nearly lose hope on how to survive for the rest of the day, (left only a few dollars with me..) While on my dinner break, my GM came down to the shop to pass me my overdue MC claim money! Eventho its only $25, it's enough la to get some food later tonight. Yup have to admit, having ur own house is no joke. Every-lil-thing cost now. From bills, to groceries.. The struggle is REAL. Myself and hubby hv not been gg out for dates since we move in to our new house. We been working our butt off to survive every month..its tiring n depressing sometime but we still hanging on n not giving up. In Sya Allah, we can make it! Since pay day is coming.. Hehe 2 days to go.. For now we gonna survive on what we have in hand! I know we can make it!
Monday, 28 August 2017
What goes round come back around!
A self absorbed, egoistic person can only see the faults of others but are often color blind to their own. When u blame and criticize others, you are actually avoiding some truth about yourself. Dont you know that your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself. So bitch please, dont complain about the drama that your action created. Dont even say you deserved better. What goes around come around. You just gotta eat that. Deal with it!
Plp nowadays...
"Sikit-sikit "kau ada?"
dah takde karang baru tau."
Haha sound familiar?! Well.. ada la orang tu kn!!!! At some point of time, naik Meluat lak di buatnye! Suka je nk show off.. as if plp care much!!!😂😂 skrng apa jadi to ur way fabulous life ? All down the drain?! Haha back to square 1 nmpk!? Haha!! Kecian!
Saturday, 26 August 2017
Who's Laughing now huh?!
Karma sure comes after everyone eventually. Im not gonna mention name here. But hey, You can't get away with using and screwing people over your whole life. Who do you think you are huh?! Terror sngat?! Pijak semut tak mati konon! Berbual world mcm wak2! I seriously don't give a fucking care who you are. Older or younger. Related or not..What goes around comes around. That's how it works. Sooner or later, or infact i guess, now the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve. U totally deserved it! What u did to him will get back to u 1000× way more dashyat! How does it feel to be all alone now huh?! So who's laughing now?! Still wanna brag that you have a better life than me?! Haha dream on, try harder Bitch! Padan muka kao!
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Soo much love for this cutie pie
How can one not love this Lil precious gem of mine?! My heart melts ech time seeing her sleep so peacefully like this..
Its so calming and soothing.. I simply just love watching my baby girl here sleep. She's not only a pet but more like a furdaughter to me n hubby. She's part of our family. She mean so much in our life. By having her, also help us learn more abt responsibility, care and love. Its like training to be parents. Hehe Mummy n daddy love u much, LaLaLove!!! Oh, baby, Don't you ever grow up just stay this little?!! Mummy want hug, cuddle n snuggle with you always..u the cutest, bestest kitty I had ever had! Muacks!!!
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
The Wild Side! π
Those who know me well shd know that I love collecting cute quirky knick knacks. The entertainment room in our house is where I can go wild and fill it with all the things I love!!! Although minimalism may look good, but for me it's just not as fun as surrounding myself with beautiful bits and bobs!!!
Hubby keep saying I'm like the karang guni aunty collecting lots of useless junk. But I always says that every Lil bits have a sentimental value meaning on it. I grow attach to anything that had been given to me by certain special people in my life.. Well can't help it, in a hopeless romantic. I do still keep my old love letters n nick knack in my memory box!!!
Hijab VS Non Hijab
Hello escuse me eh.. Tak semestinye yg berhijab tu semuernye alim baik2 belaka, la eh, tak perlu nk perli n sindir pmpn yg tk berhijab.. Sedar lah kit, tak guna pun berhijab if hati tu msh kotor, tak ikhlas! Suka nk mengata orang segala.. N kalau kaorang solat pun, tapi tetap suka nk kasi sakit hati orng, nak jatuh kn orang.. pun tak guna! Sometime pmpn yg tk berhijab lebih beradab dari yg berhijab.. so jgn nk mengata ikot sedap mulut je, nanti termkn diri sendir..Tepuk dada tanya iman. Jangan pandai2 nak hukum orang lain sedangkan diri sendiri tu tak betol. Cermin diri sendiri tu dulu sblm nk mengata orang. Jgn nak melebih lak, mcm diri tu suci, alim je.. Nobody Perfect k.
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Hehe Muka Ada senyum.. ππ Alhamdullilah recently myself n hubby just get matching newπ±for ourself.. Upgrade our mobile plan n get these babies!!! Truthly speaking, we are soo not the iPhone type, we r more to Android phone. So far we been using ZTE blade.. It work just fine like any iPhone or Samsung.. As long as it can do the basic phone stuff, we r fine with it!
Comfy Bed!
I had always wanted a nice cosy queen size bed when I was a little girl.. now that I’m twenty eight, already married, and have my own crib, I guess i finally had my dream come true! I finally have a white victorian style queen size loaded with lots of comfy pillows and blanket!!! N for those who don’t know me already, Im a sucker for cute colourful cushions! I love collecting cute cushions for my bed! So expect lots of cushion madness when u come over my house! I simply want our master bedroom to be as girly Sweetness as possible! Lucky for me my darling hubby don’t mind n give me the green light! Thanks Buchuk! U the best husband ever! Thanks for turutkn all my wants for the master bedroom!!! From the very pink walls, to the girly bed n lacey sheer curtains.. I think our master bedroom is a lil too sweet girlyness overboard!!! Sorry not sorry, dear! 😉
My Love hate relationship with Makeups!
Don’t get me wrong! I do love makeup. But seriously painting my face like a fully blown clown is just not my thing. The cake face is totally a NO No for me! Its just nasty! I’m just not into dark lip,heavy foundation or fake eyelashes. I’m more on keeping it fresh and simple when it come to makeup. I let my natural beauty shine. Overall makeup for me is that the overdone look is just too much. Keep it natural, darlin’!!!
Monday, 21 August 2017
Jangan Sombong sangat!
Ingatlah apabila kita senang, janganlah kita menghina/merendahkan orang yang susah. Kita mungkin senang/susah hari ini tetapi esok lusa? Kita belum tahu lagi macam mana nasib kita. Hidup ni umpama roda. Sekejap kita di atas, sekejap kita di bawah. Jangan terlalu meninggi diri.
Praise be to God
Alhamdullilah, throuh my 20++ life, Id been given such a great gift. It's a miracle that never stops amazing me and reminding me to give thanks, every day. Having a fun loving understanding husband , Mr S and our cutie pie furdaughter, LaLaLove, gives me a lot more purpose in life. I was way much more selfish before, but now I think about what kind of role model I'll be. I just want to be a better person. I know some people will judge and hate me, even b4 knowing me. Well you may know my name, but you will never know my real story. Unless u r friends or close with me la. Furthermore u only see what I choose to be seen! So dont so fast wanna say bad bout me. Look urself in the mirror first. Make damn sure u r perfect too!
Happiness does not have a price tag!
"Your Happiness Will Not Come To You. It Can Only Come From You." Well I so agree with these quote! For most people,
the hardest thing to find in life is happiness - (money is only hard to find because it gets wasted trying to find happiness.)Dont you guys realized the richer you get, the more expensive happiness becomes. So be thankful n grateful la for what you alredy have. Stay humble. Remember where you come from. Remember those who had help you b4. Dont be mcm kacang lupakn kulitnye! I knw very well,in life we must find happiness.and yup..I have to admit, I've been searching everywhere for years, and Alhamdullilah, in 2012, I have found it. My true happiness in life! The joy of being married! I sure didn't find out what true happiness means until I got married to this amazing man, Mr S.. Thanks God for bringing him to my life to be my one and only soulmate! Cause.. Loving my husband is my true HAPPINESS!
Salted Egg Everything!!!!!!
Earlier today, I finally try the salted egg chicken and shrimps from LJS. Surprisingly they were damn good!!!
Normally, salted egg is just not my thing, but after tasting this, I want try all things salted egg please!!!! Yums to the max!
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Serve you right!
We know there’s just no use
When all her lies become her truths and we don’t care.
We are givin' up this game
We are leaving her with all the blame cause we don’t care,
Could she look us in the eye
And tell me that she’s happy now, ohhh, ohhh
Would she tell it to our face or have we been erased,
Is she happy now?
Is she happy now?
Do you really have everything you want?
You can't ever give somethin' you ain't got
You can’t run away from yourself!!!!!!!
Cause we're Happy now!
Photo can say a 1000 things..
A photo can say a thousand things
But it can't say the million things I wanna say
A photo can capture the way we were
But it can't capture the way we are
When you told me that you loved me
were those just words
You can't tell me you don't need me
and I know that hurts
'Cause I'm looking at your picture
'Cause it's all I've got
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Our Paradiseπ°
Alhamdullilah, its been almost 5 month plus now since we get the key to our house and start living here. (We get key on mid March!) Almost everyday when its a perfect weather, like today, I woke up to this beautiful scenery... Hehe.. Pandai hubbyku pilih location for our home! Stress-free zone. Haters back off alright!
The development is designed with pockets of greenery that offer respite for the senses.Very calming and soothing for our soul. I truly love it!!! )
Ever since we get the keys, (due to our tight financal budget) we already decided not to do any big renovation. Hubby suggested we just have simple paint job, curtains and kitchen installation first. In Sya Allah, in the near future, ade rezeki lebih kit,will do more for the house. Im agreeable cause i very well know how our situation too. (Bukan nk rendah diri, tapi mmg we suami isteri sedar diri. We rmbr where we come from. We r not born rich.)In my mind, i keep saying "For now, Cukup lah dgn aper yg ada. What more important is we have our own roof over our head now. No more staying with the parents. Independent on our own as husband and wife."
Its sure not easy at first when we starting out on building our first home, there's always bits and pieces that we can't agree on. but that's the point in life anyway. We slowly learning along the way. We compromise. Give and take. Alhamdullilah, we managed to work think out without arguing much now.. We try to understand ech other responbility way better now..
There's still a lot that we need to learn in life.. The key point here is to never give up. Believe in yourself. N dare to dream n discover. In Sya Allah, everything will go alright n smoothly as we plan.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Hello kitty Obsessionπππ
When I say I'm a huge HK fan, I'm not even joking! I love collecting all things Hello Kitty. From pens, to candies to stationeries.. One can tell me how old I am, still want collect HK items, u can even call me childish or whatever, hey guess what I dont give a fucking care!! I'm proud to say that im in my late 20s.. And i do Love Hello Kiity!!! At least I stay true to my believes and likes! Whi r u to judge?! FYI plp!!! Theres no age limit to like certains things!! Be confident! Collect whatever the hell you love!
Its all started after watching my fave youtuber, piinksparkles, doing her Hello Kitty collection n hauls!! ( u go girl!) I'm soo pumped ech time watching her videos, its like she's my biggest inspiration! She sure got me motivated to start a hobby! For now, I try starting small. Its easy for me as Hello Kitty items can be easily found everywhere! Some may even go as low as $1 to $50... My hubby, family members, and close friends know how much I love HK. They often tend to surprise me with bit and pieces of HK items.It doesnt matter how cheap the item may be, its the tght thats count! Thanks to each of them I get to grow my collection! Every Lil bit of HK items does matter to me. Each items tend have sentimental meaning to it! So for my birthday or anniversary, (hint2!) as long as whatever the item is Cute, pink and Hello Kitty, i sure want! 😅 Hello Kitty rock!!!
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Aqua life
Update on my lil aquarium life!!! Still Maintaining strong, my 2 sucker fish, unfortunately left 3 tiger barbs, (2 die) and 1 puffer fish (1 die), new addicton of 7 shrimps, and 1 lobster.. And hubby been adding lots of water plants too.. Plus mineral stone.. Hmm what more shall we put huh?!
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Crab Stick monster!!!
I seriously do have a weird obsessions on eating crab sticks on its own any day anytime!!!!😅 who else with me?! I can easily finish one packet of cooked crab sticks within min!!! Hehe its like my not so secret guilty pleasure!! Hubby say its weird but I just love dem! I can't resist dem! I love Crab sticks! Crab sticks is bae!!! 😍😍😍😍
Sunday, 13 August 2017
Random Facts About Me!
Get to know me first before you wanna judge me! 😉
#1 I believe in the colour PINK.
#2 I believe that tomorrow is another day.
#3 My fashion style depends on my mood
#4 My fave food is CHEESE. Anything cheese!
#5 When I'm out with my girls, I tend to act like I'm 19!
#6 I'm comfortable with how I look.
#7 I'm actually really shy around people I don't know.
#8 I don't believe war is a way to solve problems.
#9 I don't fight. I just don't believe in it.
#10 I love making new friends.
#11 I was born in year 1989.
#12 I never smoke, drink, club ever.
#13 I'm a book lover.
#14 I'm an Art student back in high school.
#15 I love seeking for new adventure. Exploring new places.
#16 I collect all things Hello Kitty.
#17 I'm closer to my granny(Nyi Wok) cause she's the one who bring me up to be who I am today.
#18 I wish to have my own fragrance line one day.
#19 I'm a sweetooth kinda person.I love donuts, cupcakes,pastries, and all those sweet goodness!!
#20 I'm afraid of height.
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Change for the Better
I have to admit it, i do had my tomboy phase going on years ago, but hey.. I guess now I'm more into girly dresses and handbags. But I still do it my way tho! I simply love to mix and match. So if I'm wearing mid maxi dress, I'll have my converse on too! I'm obviously growing out of my young, wild and restless days.. I'm no longer that girl! Ever since I'm married, I try to mellow down on my dressing style. I'm just being Me. I'm no longer that rebellious young girl. I'm changing bit by bit for the better of me. In Sya Allah, who know I might even start to consider wearing hijab. Slowly but surely. I just don't want to be label a hypocrite tho. Let the haters hate, I'm just still gonna stay true to myself and be ME! That's all for now. To be continue again..
Friday, 11 August 2017
Aquarium Overloaded...
I guess hubby been gg overboard with the water plants la!! Haha he's way more engross with the aquarium now. Getting the fishes n snails all.. Its all started when we decided to foster Mikey the terrapin from a friend of mine. Everything was okay for the first 2 weeks..But after a month, hubby decided to let him go cause he's eating n shitting way too much, n he tend to destroy every water plants that hubby put. After letting him go at Lakeside pond, that's when hubby start with the fishes!!..hehe..Thanks to one of my pt who recommend me to the cheap fish shop at Clementi!! Now we can easily go there for our fishes supply!! Haha.. As long as you happy la dear! I don't mind. I oso love the idea of nice aquarium at our humble home. So to more fish update! Good Night!
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Life as a retail associate..
This is what I have to deal with everyday at work. Life as a sales associate. The struggle is REAL.. Everyday the same thing.. Fold apparels, rearrange shoes.. Entertain (served) customers aka Idiots.. Lol. No matter how irrinnoying some of dem tend to be sometimes, we still have to serve them with a plastic smile plastered on our face! Its like so FAKE! Like a robotic system. Haha i seriously in need for new job soon la.. I prefer Office hr. . no more shift job for me please!!!! Back end job no more front line job . lama lama work retail can drive me crazy!!!!
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
PERFUME Addict!!!!
I'm absolutely addicted to fun, sweet, sugary girly PERFUME. I simply love the scent of vanilla, chocolate and of coz cotton candy!!!!😍😍😍 I could never leave the house without sprinkling my fave signature scent all over me! Most of the time,it's difficult choosing a perfume that represent my personality and lifestyle. (I'm 50/50, girly yet tomboyish! All depend on my mood of that day!😅) Sometime,I do tend to take the risk and get perfume online without first smelling it. I also tend to be a sucker for cute, unique packaging too!! Each time i shop online for perfumes, I will firstly see the review if they are really good, then if the packaging is one of a kind and lastly if it isn't very expensive. Over $50 start to feel expensive to me for a bottle of perfume. So that's why you can expect inexpensive perfumes alongside my high end one cause for me If I love it smells, that's good enough for me! I know this may sound cheesy, but its had always been my dream to own my very own fragrance line one fine day!😊 For now, let's continue with my daydreaming shall I?! 😂😂
Monday, 7 August 2017
Freebies = Kiasu ?!
I simply LOVE accepting FREE stuff!!!! Haha (typical Yana!!)Esp if its good stuff like perfume, scented candles, chocolates..etc The thing is if these generous people want to give it to me, why shouldn't I just take it?! Its free stuff kn???!!! I know most of us just love freebies!!! Couldn't resist it!!! so no need to deny la! Actually Cannot blame oso la, since now the cost of living is all soo damn expensive. So got free items grab the chance la!! Haha Wah now I sound like typical kiasu aunties liao.. I guess soon plp gonna call me aunty ready!!! But its k la, as long its free stuff!! I happy, everybody Happy!!! 😅😅😅😅
Sunday, 6 August 2017
My Fishy Family
Myself and hubby recently are into fishes!! So we end up having fishes as our pets now, apart from our darling furdaughter, LaLaLove, of coz! So..Currently we already have 2 sucker fish, 5 tiger barbs, and 2 puffer fish!!! Alhamdulillah, they can all get along well. I was worried at first. But seeing them happily swimming n exploring their new home, I think they will be just fine! Hehe
Hubby been researching a lot abt the different species of fishes. I think Its fun watching the fishes swimming around happily! Coming back home from a tiring day at work to these beauties swimming sure help to sooth ur tired soul!
Its only the Beginning..
I had been toying with the idea of starting a blog for quite some time now actually.. Finally today 06-08-2017, Sunday, I make up my mind to start blogging today right now, at this time, this moment when I'm on my dinner break work. In my mind it goes like: "This is it. No more backing out..I'm gonna start to blog. So Just do it, give it a try Yana! Go girl!!!"Lol
So here I am.. My very first introduction entry!!! Hehe..
In Say Allah if can,every single day, I will find the time to rant about what's happening in my "fabulous" simple life! Haha!! For now i'd been gathering some ideas for my next entry!!! So till next time.
Ciao! Xoxo.
Confidence & Happiness
Y ana's Ways to feel more CONFIDENT: Walk that walk. Stand tall, carry your head high and dress well. Let them know you are capable of...
If you know someone is already taken, please respect their relationship. Don’t be the reason they end up single. If someone's taken...
Been searching for this two Avril Lavigne collecter DVD set for the longest time. I secretly Wish to score both DVD at reasonable price. All...
Its all up in our social media now. Look what she make us do!? Haha We can tell that she's watching us And confirm after seeing this ...